"Truly, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers, you did it for me" Matthew 25:40.

Your donations make a real impact on our mission to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ in Burkina Faso and to bring hope to people. You help change many lives and your love for others bear witness to the love of the true and faithful God. We are grateful for you!

We thank our members, supporters, partners and other donors like you who, through your valuable and generous donations, provide the opportunity for Rebuilding Walls to realize a wide variety of projects that bring hope and make positive changes to the lives of many.

Your generosity at work

Originally, funds were used to offer merit-based and need-based scholarships to top students at national exams. This initiative served to both encourage academic excellence and provide financial assistance to families that most needed help. Over the years, new initiatives have come into existence thanks to your continued support. Today, your donations provide consistent funding to our new initiatives.

Most specifically, you make significant impact by providing needed resources to:

  • Facilitate and accelerate the education, training, and graduation of students in pastoral studies;
  • Build new churches in the most remote areas of Burkina Faso;
  • Make the Word of God accessible to those who have not yet discovered it;
  • Enrich our website with resources for our supporters and partners;
  • Research, plan, and fund new initiatives.

We invite you to continue supporting our organization because each donation brings blessings and long-lasting hope, and is ultimately an answer to someone’s prayer.

May the Lord bless you richly for your support!