Rebuilding Walls created with aims to bring together Christian diaspora Evangelical Burkina to the Canada and the United States around a common idea which is to contribute to the economic, social development and the advancement of the Gospel in all the regions of Burkina Faso.
As a nascent structure, these rules of procedure addresses critical Rebuilding walls and main points. As the organization grows, the regulations may be altered to reflect the realities of the structure.
Art 1: Domestic regulation revolves around the provisions of the statutes of Rebuilding Walls. It complete and explicit these
Art 2: All the annex to the present rules of procedure are part and should be read with that - here.
Chapter I: Organisation and operation of the Association
I.A: The general meeting of members
Art 3: The General Assembly is made up of the members of the association.
Art 4: General Assembly of active members is the body of appreciation of the biennial report of the Executive which marks the end of the mandate of the office.
Art 5: General Assembly of active members is the election of the president of the Executive Board following the presentation of the biennial program of various candidates for this position. This election will take place in special session at ordinary general meetings (AGM).
Art 6: The AGO of members have physically together at least once every three years at the invitation of the president of the Board of Directors.
Art 7: Any Member unable to take part in the AGO of members may issue a power of attorney signed, designating an agent. The agent must be a member in good standing of the association participating physically in the AGO.
Art 8: A maximum of two (2) proxies is allowed per person physically attending the AGO
I.A - 1modalite of convocation of the general meeting
Art 9: The AG together physically in regular session convened by the president of the Board of directors by the issue of a notice to appear.
Art 10: The notice containing the agenda, date, time and place must be accompanied by the minutes of the previous AG and any supporting document.
Art 11: Notice of the AGO must be issued and sent to the members at least six (6) months before the date of hearing.
Art 12: Confirmations of participation of the members must be received by the Board of Directors at least five (5) months prior to the proposed date.
Art 13: When the number of confirmations of participation reached two thirds of the number of active members, the Board of Directors issues a notice of confirmation at least (4) months prior to the date of confirmed.
Art 14: If not, the Board issues a notice of postponement in the
four weeks after the deadline for the receipt of the notice of confirmation of members.
Art 15: Situation report, the Board of Directors emits a new notice of meeting within two months following the cancellation and in accordance with the provisions of article 8; 10 and 11 of this regulation.
Art 16: Situation report, when the number of new confirmations of participation of the members reached a third (1/3) of the number of members, the quorum shall be deemed be reached.
Art 17: Situation report, when the number of new confirmations is not 1/3 of the number of members, the Board of Directors shall be deemed represented at least 2/3 of the members. He will sit in place and place of the AGO and will assume all rights and obligations attached.
Art 18: The postponement of the AGO is limited to a single report to three (3) years.
Art 19: Members who have confirmed their participation and wishing to be represented by an agent must provide to the C.A their copies of signed proxies, three (3) months at the latest before the date of holding of the AGO.
Art 20: All copies of signed proxies received after that time by the AC will be considered non-responsive and the deemed absent member.
I.A - 2 minimum provisions required at the opening of the AG
Art 21: A desktop session is set up before the opening of the work of the GA for verification of signed proxies held by different agents.
Art 22: Meeting Office will prepare a list of presence at the opening of the AG.
I.A - 3modalites of votes within the AG
Art 23: Adoption of management decisions made by the simple majority of vote by show of hands.
Art 24: Vote with reference to individuals is by simple majority by secret ballot.
Art 25: Voting by proxy is not allowed.
Art 26: Because of the geographical dispersion of members, special general meetings will be limited to meetings of the Board of Directors.
I.B Board of Directors
Art 27: The Board of Directors represents all the members. It ensures the preservation of their interests while assessing the impact of their decisions on stakeholders.
Art 28: Le conseil d’administration se réunit au moins une fois à l’année.
I.B-1 Modalité de convocation des réunions du CA
Art 29: The Board of Directors meets at the invitation of the president of the Board of directors by the issue of a notice to appear.
Art 30: The notice containing the agenda, date, time and place must be accompanied by any document support and the minutes of the previous sitting to minimally be approved.
Article 31: The notice must be issued at least seven (7) days before the date of hearing.
Art 32: The Board Members confirm their presence at least three (3) days before the proposed date.
Art 33: The meeting occurred when 2/3 of the Members confirm their presence. Otherwise it is postponed to a new date, respecting the art.27 and following the provisions of arts. 28; 30 to 32 of this regulation.
I.B - 2 minimum provision required at the opening of the meetings of the Board of
Art 34: (E) Recording Secretary is designated (e) at the opening of the work by the Chair of the Board.
I.B - 3 terms of decision-making of the Board of
Art 35: The Management Board shall adopt its decisions of management by obtaining a consensus. In the absence of consensus decisions are ratified by obtaining a simple majority of the votes of the members of the Board.
Art 36: Vote with reference to individuals is by simple majority by secret ballot.
I.B - 4Composition of the Board of Directors
Art 37: The Board of Directors is composed of five directors elected by the active members of the association at the General meetings, for a duration of 4 years renewable.
Art 38: Two fifth of the directors are elected from among members the association's assets and three elected fifth among the members of the original office.
Art 39: The president of the Board of Directors is elected the Board of directors by the directors by a simple majority by secret ballot.
Art 40: Can be elected to the AC members have been active for a period of at least two years.
Art 41: Any Director found guilty of indiscretions may be suspended on getting 2/3 of the votes of the directors.
Art 42: The Board of Directors may be dissolved prematurely on getting 2/3 of the votes of the members of the association.
I.B - 5 powers of the Board of Directors
Art 43: The Board of Directors ensures the sustainability of the Organization and the preservation of the character of the vision and mission of Rebuilding Walls. It ensures among other things to this title:
a. a role monitoring and assessment of the day-to-day management of the Executive Board.
b. developing the outline of quadrennial strategic directions
c. Approves the annual report of the Executive Board
d. approve the annual plan of action of the Executive Board
e. ensure the harmonization of the strategic directions and action plans
f. approves budgets
(g) approves the financial commitments (loans etc...)
h. approve the rules of procedure and amendments
i. approved the composition of the Executive Board proposed by the Chairman of the Executive Board.
j. approve the creation of new positions within the B.E or responsibilities change.
k. Approves the choice of the members of the local cell proposed by the Executive Board.
Ensure the integrity of financial management by the Executive Board.
Mr. ensures efficient of the B.E management and the effectiveness of the system of risk management and internal control.
Art 44: The Board of Directors sets up the various committees of the Board and establishes their mandates. The Board of Directors may appeal to external specialized resources for support.
Art 45: The Board of Directors assumes the role of acting or appoints a temporary office in the event of dissolution of the Executive Office before term.
Art 46: The Board of Directors providing the interim in case of end of the mandate of the Executive Office until the next elections of the president of the Executive Board.
I.C Executive Office
Art 47: The Executive Office is the central body of the association is run. It ensures the good accomplishment of the programme of activities in accordance with the strategic directions. He reports to the Board of Directors representing members.
Art 48: Il se réunit au moins une fois par mois pour suivre l’évolution du programme sur lequel il a été élu.
Art 49: Il se réunit au moins une fois par trimestre avec la cellule locale.
Art 50: Il rend compte au moins une fois l’an au C.A.
I.C-1 Modalité de convocation
Art 51: Le bureau exécutif se réunit sur convocation de son président.
Art 52: ' notice containing the agenda, date, time and place must be accompanied by any document support and the minutes of the previous sitting to minimally be approved.
Art 53: The notice of meeting must be issued and sent to the members at least three (3) days before the date of hearing.
Art 54: The B.E Members confirm their presence at least two (2) days before the proposed date
Art 55: The meeting occurred when 2/3 of the Members confirm their presence. Otherwise it is postponed to a new date in accordance with the provisions of the art.48; 51 to 55 of this regulation.
I.C - 2 modelling of decision-making of the BE
Art 56: The B.E adopts its management by obtaining consensus decisions. In the absence of consensus decisions are ratified by 2/3 of the votes of its members obtaining
Art 57: Vote with reference to individuals is by simple majority by secret ballot.
I.C - 3 Composition of the Executive Board
Art 58: The Executive Board is composed of one (e):
•President (e)
•Vice-president (e)
•Secretaire general (e)
•Secretaire activities
•Secretaire communication
NB: The responsibilities of the members of the Executive Board are in Chapter 3.
Art 59: The president of the Executive Board is elected for a term of 2 years, renewable once.
Art 60: Can be elected president of the Executive Board, any Member having been active for a period of at least two (2) years.
Art 61: The president of the Executive Board is at all times responsible to propose to the Board of Directors the composition of its bureau.
Art 62: May be appointed to the Executive Board, any active member for a period of at least one (1) year
Art 63: Si besoin est, le bureau exécutif institue des comités ad hoc en vue de la réalisation d’activités avec validation du C.A.
Art 64: Le bureau exécutif est dissout avant terme sur obtention des 2/3 des voix du conseil d’administration.
I.D La cellule locale
Art 65: The local cell represents the association with administrative, legal and religious authorities in Burkina Faso. She also provides advice to the Executive Board on the local strategies of activities and program
Art 66: The local cell is composed of an executive secretariat responsible for the implementation of the programs, and advisors.
Art 67: The local cell has a term of 3 years renewable.
Art 68: She reports directly to the Executive Office.
Art 69: She realizes all of the local administrative tasks necessary for the realization of projects on behalf of the association.
Art 70: She is responsible for the regulatory record keeping of representation by the administrative standards of Burkina Faso.
Art 71: Its members are accountable to the law and members of the association for any act done under the guise of the association.
Art 72: It plays a role in advising the association.
Art 73: Local costs are submitted to the Executive Office.
Art 74: It is composed of Evangelical Christians residing in Burkina Faso.
Art 75: On consultation of the Board it may call external resources for the performance of specific acts.
Art 76: End of each quarter, the local cell carried out a meeting with the AC on the evolution of local activities and recommendations.
Chapter II. Members
Art 77: The association has three types of members:
•The basic members
•The supporting members
•The honorary members.
Art 78: Is a base member, any person having passed its membership form and filling in all of the following criteria:
•Be of Burkina Faso nationality
Evangelical •Chretien
•Reside or who have resided in the [United States North America; Canada] for a period of at least one year.
Art 79: Is a supporter Member, any person having passed its membership, of all nationalities and denominations form, living or having lived in North America while being in harmony with the vision, mission and values of the association
Art 80: Is an honorary member, any person has been designated by the Board as having rendered distinguished service to the association or recognized by the Board as an honourable way the values of the association in its daily activities within the company.
Art 81: The basic members, supporters and honorary members agree on the fact that this organization is based on Christ and will change his ideals to accommodate other points of views, in any way whatsoever.
Art 82: Is a active member base who participated at least at one of the previous two AGO and having met its financial commitment specified in his application form.
Art 83: The amount of the financial commitment is left free to members.
Art 84: 'Financial commitment' means all are different from zero.
Art 85:Tout member must respect the statutes and regulations of the association.
Art 86: Each Member is invited to convey a positive image of the association in his community.
Art 87: The status of Member is lost upon request addressed to the AC and/or when the Member no longer meets the criteria for membership or found guilty of indiscretions.
Chapter III: Assignment of members of the Executive Board
Art 88: The responsibilities of the members of the Executive Board are:
The / the President:
Fulfills the following functions:
•Garant of compliance with the Charter.
•Represente the association in legal and administrative proceedings.
•Dirige the administration of the association.
• Responsible to the law, members and stakeholders at the association, decisions and actions carried out by his office in the implementation of the programme of activities.
•Anime association, coordinates the Executive Office and the local cell.
•Assume a term of general administration.
•Veille to the application of the strategic guidelines adopted by the Board
•Cosignataire of financial records of the association (Cheques, effects...).
•Veille to the maintenance of communication continues on the development of programs of activities among the various organs of governance.
•Charge (e) of the presentation of an annual report which he assumes responsibility with the Board.
•Charge (e) of the presentation of the biennial report of his office which he assumes responsibility in front of the A. G
The / the Vice-Chair
•Seconde President in the realization of its mandates of Directors General
•Investit of office of the Chairman when he cannot meet.
The / Secretary General (e):
• Responsible for the correspondence of the association (newsletter etc...)
•Charge (e) of the holding of the regulations and statutes of the association
• Responsible for the archives, for the sound management of Community documents.
• Responsible for the maintenance of administrative registers of the association in accordance with the administrative requirements of the host country.
• Responsible for the preparation of the minutes of all meetings of the association.
•Charge to follow-up with members of BE the performance of their mandates, reporting to the president.
•Charge (e) of the daily liaison with external administrations.
Responsible for •Conjointement of donor relations management, reporting to the president.
•Veille compliance and the legality of the actions of the association.
•Veille to the conformity of the actions of the local cell in accordance with local administrative requirements.
•Participe activement à la communication interne.
Le / La Secrétaire aux Activités :
•Chargé (e) de la bonne exécution des projets d’activités/plan d’action du BE
•Chargé (e) du suivi des activités auprès de la cellule locale.
•Chargé (e) d’évaluer l’efficacité des programmes mis en place et rend compte au BE des améliorations à apporter.
•Assure la liaison continue entre le bureau exécutif et la cellule locale et joue un rôle d’appui à ces derniers dans la réalisation du plan d’activité.
•Agit à titre de force de proposition de nouvelles activités/ améliorations auprès du BE
•Charge (e) of the execution of special events of the association
•With the participation of the / of the Chairperson, it is responsible (e) of the implementation of management or organization ad/hoc committees.
•Charge (e) of the formulation of the budget for activities
• Responsible for the good and transparent execution of the approved budget of activities.
The / the Secretary of communication:
• Responsible for the effective management of the web site (maintenance, updates...)
•Charge (e) of the formulation of ongoing it initiatives to effectively support the mission of the association.
• Responsible for the implementation of the information technology (it) initiatives.
•Charge (e) to propose to the BE of communication plans aimed at increasing the visibility and credibility of the association.
• Responsible for the formulation and execution of growth strategies [members] of the association according to the objectives communicated to the BE.
• Responsible for the execution of all communications submitted and adopted by the BE strategies
• Responsible for the update of the databases of members
•In collaboration with the Secretary of the activities, it is responsible for the update of databases on stakeholders.
•Charge the promotion of the association with the public targeted by the mission of the association.
•Charge the formulation of the communication budget
• Responsible of a good and transparent implementation of the communication budget approved.
The / the Treasurer (e):
•Charge of financial management, Treasury of the association (bank accounts, forecasts...)
•Veille to the collection of contributions and payments to third parties on schedule
•Charge the monthly preparation of States members of the association.
•Cosignataire of financial records of the association needed for daily operations (cheque, effects...)
•In collaboration with members of the bureau, prepare budgets
• Responsible for budgetary control.
•Charge from the analysis of the requests for funds.
•Charge the preparation of the financial statements of the association
•Present the forecasts and budget reviews in each quarter.
•Charge the implementation of the system of internal control and the maintenance of a transparent and effective financial management system.
IV. transitional provisions
Art 89: The mandate of the Provisional Committee ends two years after the date of adoption of this regulation.
Art 90: At the end of his interim term, temporary office takes the name of original office and holds elections. The bureau elected following these elections will be regarded as second or subsequent office of Rebuilding Walls.
Art 91: The interim office will fully assume the role of the Board of directors until the end of the interim term.
Art 92: This regulation takes effect as from this day
Azer Moses Songnaba
President of Rebuilding Walls
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