In 2010, a group of Christian friends from Burkina Faso, residing in the United States, decided to come together and start a not-for-profit organization. The goal was to bring together all Christians from Burkina Faso residing in North America (United States and Canada) to carry out activities for the youth and the advancement of the gospel in the most remote areas of Burkina Faso.
Indeed, our greatest privilege is to know the Lord Jesus Christ, and we are aware that we have been saved to serve. That’s what led us to ask ourselves this very important question: As Burkinabe Christians living abroad, what can we do to contribute in spreading the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our home country?
In Matthew 28:19, Jesus entrusts us with the mission to go and make disciples of all nations. Above all, we have a duty to contribute in various ways to the teaching and advancement of the gospel. Then, just as Nehemiah went back to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls, we wanted to contribute to the development efforts in our home country. We feel very grateful to have Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and to have had benefited from education and professional experiences that opened the doors to many opportunities for us. Therefore, it seemed logical for us to also do our best to be a blessing to our brothers and sisters in Burkina Faso; especially those who are the most disadvantaged and have various types of needs. We want them to also have the grace to encounter and get to know Jesus Christ and to be better equipped to face their daily challenges.
In the beginning, Rebuilding Walls main activity was the annual academic award project. For the first five years of the organization, this project served to promote education and provide financial support to the beneficiaries. Our current projects include scholarships to attend bible schools and building churches in the most remote areas of Burkina Faso. These projects are mainly focused on the Eastern and Northern regions of Burkina Faso, which are currently the most vulnerable regions of the country due to security and economic issues.
Through all these projects we carry out to bring hope, Rebuilding Walls sees itself as an organization of all those who actively participate and invest their resources to positively change lives.